Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When God is at work

In response to what we have studied in Luke and experienced in Jesus I invited my students to celebrate by throwing a party. To further apply what we had learned and extend our joy to others we threw it at campus village, the closest thing to dorms at the Auraria campus on a Friday night. Everyone pitched in by praying, making arrangements, setting up, bringing snacks, hanging posters and inviting people. I was afraid it would turn into a flop but it was a smashing success further proving that it is God at work here bringing students to himself and that I need to follow his lead even when it makes me nervous. Part of what made me nervous was giving away so much responsibility. However this is one of the major ways God moved in our students. They took on they challenge and ownership for the event. Paul standing in the photo was in charge of fun and games and the room stayed packed and full of energy as different conversations and activity formed all over the room. As InterVarsity students from the different studies met and connected  they reached out to the campus village students who came and the spirit was working through them welcoming and building community. The joy of the Lord was so present.  Several of us met an international student from China, who is curious about religion and taking advantage of his time here to visit church and explore what power might be there to change people. My students and I have a more knowledge now of that power that as at work through us by the Spirit of God and our obedience to his word and leading. It is changing us individually as a fellowship and is reaching out to the rest of the campus through this amen!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so excited to see awesome things going on!

WV: prerib The idea of Eve before creation?